Saturday, November 17, 2007

Revival Town

I have been serving at Community Christian Church for a little over two years now and it has been a blast! I have lots of good and...not so good memories. This weekend was one of those great memories that I will never forget. Every month, our church picks one weekend to deem "Baptism Weekend." Basically, instead of offering an "altar call" every service and dunkin' them there, they have a once-a-month weekend set aside to focus on baptisms. This is really cool because usually multiple people are getting baptized in a single weekend. This weekend at church was a baptism weekend and it was awesome. I mean, every baptism weekend is awesome, but this one was especially awesome.

Here's why: We had three people tonight at the service who planned on getting baptized. They did and it was cool. Then, the small groups director, Steve Kirby (playing the role of campus pastor for the night) got up and told anyone else that they could baptized on the spot that night. It was as close to altar call as you were going to hear, but it was cool and not forced. Tonight, one person decided after the service to get baptized. Then, my good friend Mike Onken, decided to get baptized in his clothes and all. He literally threw his wallet and cell phone aside and said, "Let's do it!" It was emotional, to say the least. Finally, another man decided to get baptized later on. So, not only were there three planned baptisms, but 3 other improv baptisms! That's 6 in one night! It was awesome to see, especially as Mike is a really good friend.

The last thing about this is that Community Christian Church, as a whole, has been trying to take the end of Acts 2:47 really seriously this year. Paul says, "And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." As of the latest numbers, there have been over 200 baptisms already this year (churchwide), and over 200 days of the year. Literally, they are asking God to save 365+ people in one year! That's so cool! How many churches can ask for that and expect it? It really shows a lot about the type of church and leadership that this is. This weekend at Montgomery, we added 6 to the number that continues to grow. The Montgomery campus definitely did its part to help! Way to go! There are two more services tomorrow and I wouldn't be surprised if we see some more lives changed. It is so exciting to do ministry at a church that is continually moving forward with God!